AUN-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) Network was formed as a network of higher education quality assurance in the ASEAN countries, with the responsibility of supporting and developing quality assurance in higher education institutions, improving the quality of education, and building collaboration with regional good quality assurance organizations and internationally for the advancement of education in ASEAN countries. AUN-QA conducts an assessment or assessment of the higher education quality assurance process and provides evaluation and input so that the quality of higher education meets the criteria determined by AUN-QA. The Regional Report of Asia and the Pacific (UNESCO, 2003b) defines quality assurance for higher education as "systematic management and assessment procedures to monitor the performance of higher education institutions". Meanwhile, according to AUN-QA, quality assurance is "systematic, structured and continuous monitoring of quality in order to maintain and improve quality".
The Mechanical Engineering Study Program (PSTM) of Udayana University, in all academic activities and its supporters, has performed a very good quality assurance procedure. This is proven by PSTM obtaining accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education for the second time in 2016, covering 7 standards, namely (i) Vision, mission, goals, and objectives; (ii) Civil Service, Leadership, Management System and Quality Assurance; (iii) Students and Graduates; (iv) Human Resources; (v) Curriculum, Learning and Academic Atmosphere; (vi) Financing, Facilities and Infrastructure and Information Systems; (vi) Research, Service / Community Service, and Cooperation. Achieving A BAN-PT accreditation does not mean the highest performance has been achieved, but rather means that the planning, implementation, monitoring and improvement process has met the standards set by BAN-PT, and still requires systematic and continuous hard work to maintain and improve overall quality education and learning process in PSTM UNUD. This is because the demands of stakeholders that are always changing and developing according to changes in science, technology and changing times require anticipation and answers that are up to date and relevant for now and in the future. Changes in the environment, government policies, the needs of graduate users, require adaptation through systematic and sustainable quality assurance. On the other hand, Udayana University has planned to continue to improve its achievements and achievements so that it can achieve World Class Unversity status in 2024 through strengthening governance, strengthening national competitiveness and international competitiveness. As a study program that has obtained A accreditation, besides maintaining these achievements, the next targeted improvement measure for UNT PSTM is to obtain regional level accreditation / certification, in this case AUN-QA Certification. The launching of the AUN-QA certification is not only beneficial in maintaining and improving or developing the quality assurance process according to national standards (BAN-PT), but also for integrating it with regionally applicable standards (ASEAN). At the initial stage, AUN-QA Certification Preparation Workshop activities will be held which contain socialization and thorough explanation of AUN-QA, AUN-QA Model for Study Program level, and criteria in AUN-QA. In addition to the introduction of AUN-QA, this activity also carried out the formulation of Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) or PSTM Learning Outcomes. The formulation of ELO or Learning Achievement is very important because it is the first criterion in AUN-QA and becomes a reference for other criteria.
AUN-QA 2017 activities
Workshop on Socialization and Preparation of AUN-QA Certification PS Mechanical Engineering UNUD
The Udayana University Mechanical Engineering Study Program conducts socialization activities as well as marking the preparation of study programs to undergo AUN-QA certification (ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance), on Saturday-Sunday, October 21-22, 2017 at Grand Shanti Hotel, Denpasar.
In the activity opened by WR1 UNUD Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara M.Eng. this; 3 speakers presented materials related to quality assurance and AUN-QA certification. The first speaker, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, SE, MSI. who is the Chairperson of LP3M at Udayana University, delivered material about the Quality Assurance System at Udayana University. The second speaker was Ir. I Nengah Sujaya, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., who is the Chairperson of the AUN-QA Acceleration Team at Udayana University and has attended training at the AUN Bangkok secretariat, delivering material on the AUN-QA Certification System and Preparation of AUN-QA SAR Preparation. The last speaker was Dr.Ir.Dipl.Ing. Blessing Fajar Tamtomo Kimono from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Diponegoro University, is the Chairperson of the SAR Compilation and Implementation Team for the Implementation of AUN-QA in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Univ. Diponegoro conveyed his team's experience from the preparation to the AUN-QA visitation.
On the second day of the workshop, a discussion was held about the Expected Learning Outcomes (ELO) of Mechanical Engineering Study Program and its alignment with the MK in the Mechanical Engineering Study Program curriculum. The revision of the ELO or Learning Outcomes becomes the starting point for curriculum adjustments needed in preparation for the AUN-QA certification of PS Mechanical Engineering at Udayana University.
Curriculum Revision Workshop in AUN-QA Certification Preparation for Mechanical Engineering Study Program at Udayana University
The Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Udayana University conducted an RPS Workshop course with the standard of ELO AUN-QA, on Saturday, October 28, 2017, at Grand Shanti Hotel, Denpasar. The workshop invited Speaker Dr. I Wayan Sueca from ITB. On that occasion, he delivered material about Total Knowledge-Based Curriculum and its relevance to the development of the learning process in the study program. The second day of the activity contained a discussion of the quality assurance team and the AUN-QA PS Mechanical Engineering Team related to graduate profiles, learning outcomes, alignment of subjects and the flow chart structure of MK PS Mechanical Engineering UNUD.
Workshop on RPS for ELO (Expected Learning Outcomes AUN-QA) standard
The Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Udayana University conducted an RPS Workshop subject of the ELO AUN-QA standard, on Sunday, November 5, 2017 at the Grand Shanti Hotel, Denpasar. In this activity the material about "Competency of Subjects and Expected Learning Outcomes in the Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering" and Conformation of Constitutional Competencies of MK and ELO on Syllabus and RPS of Subjects "by Prof. Dr.Ir. Harinaldi, M.Eng. (University of Indonesia Education Director). The delivery of this material is expected to help UNUD Mechanical Engineering study program lecturers in preparing RPS courses and improve the quality and success of the learning process in Mechanical Engineering study programs.